These instructions must be read and strictly adhered to before commencing with sedation or general anesthesia. Neglecting any of the following may compel the doctor to cancel the start of treatment.
Eating and Drinking
For anesthesia it is extremely important that patients have an empty stomach. For this reason, children should not have anything to eat or drink, after midnight the night before surgery appointment.
Change in Health
A change in health, especially the development of a cold, cough, flu or fever is extremely important. Please notify our office if there is any change in your child’s health.
Prescription medications should be taken as scheduled with only a sip of water, unless previously indicated by your doctor.
Street Drugs
Use of “Street Drugs” (Marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines, etc) mixed with an anesthetic can result in serious complications including death. Therefore street drugs are strictly forbidden for several weeks prior to any anesthetic.
Clothing & Contacts
Short sleeves, loose fitting pants and comfortable shoes are advised. Contact lenses must be removed before anesthesia. Rings, necklaces, bracelets and earrings/studs or nail polish should not be worn during the procedure. Please leave all valuables at home. For children it is suggested to bring a change of clothing and a blanket. If possible, have young children wear a diaper.
Parent or Designated Driver
Minors must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. The parent or legal guardian MUST remain in the office waiting room during the entire surgical procedure and not leave for any reason until child is discharged. If arranging transportation, please have your driver remain at the office with you due to some procedures take less time than originally estimated. Patients will not be allowed to leave by taxi or bus, NO EXCEPTIONS!
Please feel free to contact us to discuss the anesthesia and answer any questions that you may have prior to surgery.
Post-Anesthesia Instructions
These instructions must be read and strictly adhered to before commencing with sedation or general anesthesia. Neglecting any of the following may compel the doctor to cancel the start of treatment.
Eating, Drinking,
and Smoking
Limit oral intake to liquids for the first few hours. Begin with water and follow with liquids such as sport drinks, clear juice and soda as tolerated. If teeth were extracted, do not use a straw. Soft foods such as scrambled eggs, yogurt, applesauce, mashed potatoes, and soups may be consumed following liquids. If the patient is not hungry, do not force him/her to eat, but encourage as much liquid as tolerated. Children should be kept in an alcohol and smoke-free environment.
After the surgery, anesthetic drugs remaining in the patient’s system can slow reaction time and impair coordination. Be careful to keep the patient from falling, stumbling or otherwise hurting themselves. Do not allow children to swim, bike, skate or play with other children until fully recovered. Do not let children engage in high physical activity for 24 hours or until the effects of the anesthetic have completely subsided. Avoid making any major decisions during this time as judgment may be impaired.
Pain or Fever
Muscle aches and a sore throat, similar to the flu, may occur following anesthesia. A fever of up to 101 degrees Fahrenheit may develop for the first 12 hours. These symptoms are very common and usually disappear within 24 to 36 hours and may be treated with Tylenol or Motrin, if normally tolerated, along with plenty of liquids.
Seek Advice
If vomiting persists beyond four hours.
If the temperature remains elevated beyond the first 24 hours.
If you have other serious concerns following anesthesia, please contact Dr. Mark Bottorff with Mobile Anesthesia For Children at (509) 990-5821.
If you suspect a life-threatening situation, please call 911.